How To Replace Chevrolet Cruze Battery
How To Replace Chevrolet Cruze Battery Battery on Chevrolet Cruze is located on driver’s side engine bay under the hood. Tools needed: 13mm and 10mm open wrench or a socket.
Check old battery for leaks or oxidation before working on it. If you see any leaks or corrosion on terminals wear gloves. Battery acid is very corrosive and should be dealt with carefully. If you want to test battery or alternator prior to replacement, detail here: How to Test Battery and Alternator.
Start by opening electrical power box on top of battery, it has only one clip on the right side (Red arrow). Lift and remove power box, power or positive terminal clamp bolt is now accessible.
Always remove negative/ground terminal when working with batteries. If you remove power/positive terminal first and it touches anything metal around engine bay you will get a short and might blow up something electronic or fuses. Loosen (but do not remove completely) 10mm bolt holding ground wire and remove ground connector from battery post.
How To Remove Chevrolet Cruze Battery
Remove three remaining bolts (see image above, red arrows), remove both holding plates (one on top and other in front on battery).
Front cover on front of battery has two clips holding it, marked by green arrows. Unclip front battery cover and remove it.
Lift power box and move it aside where doesn’t interfere with removal of battery. Lift and remove battery out of position.

Installation Of New Battery
Do NOT mix battery polarities, Red/Power wire goes to Positive terminal (+) and Black/Ground wire to negative terminal (-). If you mistakenly interchange battery polarities you will fry something, if you are lucky you will blow a fuse, if you are unlucky you will blow up vehicle computer or ECM (which will not come cheap).
Installation is reversal of removal. Position new battery on battery tray, align battery bracket in place and tighten battery bracket bolts. Install power clamp on battery positive terminal and tighten 10mm clamp bolt. Next, install ground battery terminal, insert ground clamp on negative battery terminal and tighten bolt. If you prefer, you can use some grease on battery terminals to prevent oxidation, it helps.
Detailed post on Cruze battery installation.
(If you are also looking for a fast and easy solution to sell your car, more here on “How To Sell Your Car Fast In Ontario” )
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