Emission Test Ontario
Selling a Car: Emission Test Ontario: Good news for everyone selling a car or renewing their license plate stickers. As of April 2019, Ontario removed emission testing program completely.
(Update: As of March 2022 Ontario removed plate renewal fees too.)
Emission Test Ontario
Drive clean testing was introduced in Ontario in 1999. Every used car older than seven years was required to have one every 2 years. Standards of testing were tightened several times during the years until in 2014 changed from tailpipe testing to OBD2 reading.

Emission test (Drive Clean program) will not be required anymore in Ontario for ownership or registration transfers when selling a car or sticker renewals, on regular passenger vehicles.
While it was free for last few years to test your used car, was still a hassle for most drivers. If your vehicle did not pass emission testing usually expensive repairs followed.\
When you tried to sell a car emission testing was a requirement for transferring vehicle ownership from seller to buyer. Drivers were also required to provide a Drive Clean test in Ontario every 2 year on plate sticker renewal.
However, commercial transport trucks and heavy duty diesel vehicles older than 7 years still require emissions test in order to renew their registration.
If you are selling a car or renewing your sticker in Ontario, you dont have to provide an emission test. However, you still have to renew your license plates every two years, but now is free of charge.
(If you are also looking for a fast and easy solution to sell your car, more here on “How To Sell Your Car Fast In Ontario” )
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