How to Change Ford Escape Serpentine Belt
How to Change Ford Escape Serpentine Belt: Ford escape serpentine belt powers Alternator and Air Conditioning. Water pump is powered by a separate belt on other side of engine. (3.0L V6 Ford engine).

Tools. 10 mm socket or wrench, screwdriver and a ½ inch ratchet. A ½ inch ratchet is a must, its needed to compress belt tensioner (image below).
How to Remove Ford Escape Serpentine Belt
Loosen (Do not remove) wheel nuts first, lift vehicle and support it on jack stands. Do not leave your used car supported by own vehicle jack. Have parking brake engaged.
Belt can also be changed without removing the wheel. Turn the wheel all the way to extreme right position to acces serpentine belt. Anyways, its easier with wheel removed.
Diagram below shows position of serpentine belt on pulleys. Serpentine belt costs about $40 at most auto parts stores.
How to Remove Ford Escape Serpentine Belt
Remove side cover. It has four 10mm bolts and a plastic clip (red arrows).
Place ½ inch ratchet on tensioner center (image below). Lift tensioner arm up, pressure on belt will be released and serpentine belt can be removed.
Slide serpentine belt out of pulleys and remove it. If you lose your serpentine belt while driving, you don’t have to worry about this step.There will be no belt.
How to Change Ford Escape Serpentine Belt: Clean up pulleys and inspect their condition. Belt pieces sometimes get caught on pulleys and tensioner. Confirm everything is clear before installing new belt.
How to Install Escape Serpentine Belt
Belt will have to go over three pulleys and tensioner. Place belt on Alternator, Air Conditioning and Crankshaft pulleys. Leave tensioner pulley last.
Insert ratchet on tensioner and lift it up. Slide belt over tensioner pulley. When serpentine belt is positioned on tensioner pulleys, release tensioner arm down slowly. Make sure belt ribs are sitting properly on all pulleys.
How to Change Ford Escape Serpentine Belt: Check tension on serpentine belt and positioning on pulleys. Start the car and make sure everything is good. Install plastic side cover.
(If you are also looking for a fast and easy solution to sell your car, more here on “How To Sell Your Car Fast In Ontario”. )
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