How To Change Ford Fusion Front Brakes
How To Change Ford Fusion Front Brakes
Loosen wheel nuts first, lift vehicle and support it on jack stands. Never leave your used car supported by own vehicle jack only. Have parking brake engaged and remove front wheel.
2014 Ford Fusion. Start by removing rattle spring first, press spring in center with a screwdriver, it will pop right out (watch your eyes).

Caliper piston has to be pressed in to make space for new pads and rotors. Two ways to do this: prior to disassembly, use a screwdriver between brake pad and brake rotor to push piston or after disassembly you can use big adjustable pliers.
How To Remove Brake Pads on Ford Fusion
Remove top and bottom guide pins (Red Arrows) by using a 7mm Allen key. Wedge caliper out of the way. Remove old brake pads and hang caliper somewhere using a piece of wire. Do not let caliper hang by rubber brake line.
Next, remove 18mm bolts (blue arrows), remove caliper carrier and brake rotor. Rotors are sometimes hard to come off and get seized by rust into wheel hub.
Use a hammer to hit it from inside out. If you have to hammer it out, put a wheel bolt to stop it from falling on your legs.
How to Install Front Brakes Ford Fusion
Clean and grease caliper guide pins and caliper carrier. Use a wire brush to clean rust on wheel hubs and grease it afterwards (image below).

Install new rotor and caliper carrier (don’t forget to properly tighten both 18mm carrier bolts). Place new brake pads on caliper carrier. Install caliper and tighten both 7 Allen key guide pins. Install rattle spring.

Install wheel, tighten wheel nuts and move to other side.
(If you are also looking for a fast and easy solution to sell your car, more here on “How To Sell Your Car Fast In Ontario” )
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