How to Change Engine Oil Volvo
How to Change Engine Oil Volvo S40
2008 Volvo S40 T5, Turbo engine. Lift vehicle and support it on jack stands. Do not leave your used car supported by own vehicle jack. Have parking brake engaged.
Below is a picture of Volvo S40 engine bay.

How to Change Engine Oil Volvo S40: Red circle shows where oil filter housing is hidden or rather where Volvo decided to bury it. It seems like they forgot the filter when engine was designed and add it as an afterthought latter on.
Synthetic oil would be recommended as this is a turbo engine. Volvo recommends 5W-30.
Unscrew and remove engine oil filler cap. From underneath the vehicle, remove splash cover. It has seven Torx screws (image below).
Oil pan and oil drain plug are now accessible.

Remove oil drain plug (17 mm bolt) and drain oil completely, into a bucket preferably.

How to Remove Engine Oil Filter Volvo S40
Reinstall oil drain plug and splash cover. That’s all you will need to do from underneath the car.
Next, oil filter. Volvo decided you need to remove some other stuff before getting to oil filter. Remove 10mm bolt and plastic air intake.

Pull air intake hose out (image below).

Now you can reach oil filter housing.
Below is an image of new filter (Mann) and new oil cap o-ring, new o-ring come included with filter. Filter is about $12 from Part Source.

Tools: 36mm socket, ratchet, extension and a flexible drive.
How to Remove and Install Oil Filter Volvo S40
There is little space to work and intake manifold is sitting right on top of filter housing. A flexible (u-joint) drive will be needed to remove it (image below).
Use extension and socket to unscrew and remove oil filter housing. It might require some force as these things get seized.
Slide old oil filter out and plug new filter in. Change oil filter cap O-ring with new one and screw filter housing back in place. Screw it by hand first as much as you can (do not use any tools) then use socket to screw it in fully.
Volvo S40 Oil Change
Volvo engine requires 5.8 liters of oil. Add 5 liters and keep checking dipstick periodically until oil reaches at top mark on dipstick. Picture below shows oil level markings on dipstick. Top line on dipstick marks maximum required level. Do not Overfill.
If you are in a rush just drop 6 liters in there and forget about it, either way works.
Reinstall everything back in place, start the car and leave it running for 10 seconds or so. Turn engine off again and check oil level.
More on: How Often to Change Engine Oil.
(If you are also looking for a fast and easy solution to sell your car, more here on “How To Sell Your Car Fast” in Ontario).
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