How to Change Front Brakes Ford Edge

How to Change Front Brakes Ford Edge: Vehicle is a 2014 Ford Edge AWD. FWD and AWD models have the same brake design.

Loosen (Do Not Remove) wheel nuts. Lift the car and support it on jack stands. Remove front wheel first.

Below is a view of a Ford Edge front brake caliper. There are four bolts holding caliper and caliper carrier on wheel hub. Two 19mm (red arrows) bolts holding caliper carrier to wheel hub and two bolts 17mm(blue arrows) for brake caliper itself.

Front Brakes on a Ford Edge, front brake caliper and caliper carrier bolts.
Front Brakes Ford Edge

Remove two 17 mm bolts first and slide caliper out. Use a piece of wire and hang caliper on strut spring. Do not let caliper hang by brake rubber hose, if hose breaks you will have a big problem in your hands.

Ford edge old front brake pads and brake discs.
How to Change Front Brakes Ford Edge

Brake pads are usually seized on caliper carrier, use a screwdriver to pry old brake pads out or a hammer sometimes helps too.

How to Front Brake Pads Ford Edge

Remove caliper carrier 19mm bolts and take caliper carrier out. Now brake disc can be removed. However, brake rotors sometimes get really seized and stuck on wheel hub, rust does that. Take a hammer and hammer brake rotor from inside out. Make sure, you install a wheel nut first before hammering or disc might end up on your foot.

Clean wheel hub rust with a wire brush and grease it. Clean caliper carrier brake pad clips (red arrows) and grease them. Or some brake pad sets come with new pad clips include, if thats the case then discard old ones and use new ones provided. Clean caliper bolts/guides and apply grease. Also grease caliper and wheel hub bolt holes, four in total.

Fusion front brake caliper carrier and brake pad clips prior to installation.
Front Brakes Ford Edge

Installation of New Brake Pads and Rotors

Caliper pistons need to be pressed to create space for new pads and discs.

Important: This design is a dual piston caliper therefore if you press on one piston it will cause the other one to pop out. Both pistons need to be pressed simultaneously.

Ford edge rusted Front caliper with dual pistons.
Front Brakes Ford Edge

Tongue pliers can be used to press caliper pistons, but as we said both pistons need to be pressed simultaneously.

Large tongue adjustable pliers with red handles.
Front Brakes Ford Edge

How to Change Front Brakes Ford Edge: Hold down one piston with your hand and press other piston slowly with pliers. It should work but sometimes it doesn’t. If it doesn’t then put an old brake pad on top of pistons and use pliers to press them down simultaneously.

Another way to do it, is to depress pistons before removing caliper using a screwdriver. Use a screwdriver between pads and disc and squeeze pistons fully ( image below).

Screwdriver inserted on Ford edge front brake assembly pushing caliper pistons.
Front Brakes Ford Edge

Clean new brake discs with brake cleaner before installation.

How to Change Front Brakes Ford Edge: Place brake rotor on wheel hub first and then install caliper carrier. Tighten caliper carrier 19mm bolts. Install new brake pads into caliper carrier.

Ford edge brake assembly with new pads and rotors.
Front Brakes Ford Edge

Slide caliper on top of brake pads and make sure bolt holes of caliper and caliper carrier line up. Install and tighten both 17mm caliper guides/bolts.

Complete installation of front brake pads and front rotors on ford edge.
Front Brakes Ford Edge

Install wheel, lower the vehicle and move on to other side. Bear in mind you might have brake fluid leaking from brake fluid reservoir when installing new brake pads. This is normal as new brake pads are thicker and will need more space pushing some fluid out.

(If you are also looking for a fast and easy solution to sell your car, more here on “How To Sell Your Car Fast” in Ontario).

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