How To Change Ignition Coil Pack Chevrolet Cruze
How To Change Ignition Coil Pack Chevrolet Cruze: Car is misfiring with trouble codes P0301 and P0302, indicative of cylinder one and two misfire. Diagnostic revealed a failed ignition coil pack.
Vehicle is a 2014 Chevrolet Cruze with 1.4 liter turbo engine. Chevrolet Cruze does not have separate ignition coil packs per each cylinder. Instead it uses a coil pack which powers all four spark plugs, whole thing has to be changed. Coil pack costs about $150 depending on brand.
Old spark plugs will need to be replaced with new ones along with ignition coil pack. Old or worn spark plugs create a higher resistance requiring higher voltage from ignition coil, leading to premature ignition coil failures.
How to Remove Ignition Coil Pack Chevrolet Cruze
Remove ignition coil pack cover, it’s a push in type. Pull to release it. Unplug coil plug electrical connector. Use a flat screwdriver to push safety tab in orange color. Press on coil pack plug center tab and pull connector out (image above).
Coil pack is held in place with two Torx T30 bolts. Remove two T30 bolts and pull coil pack out. Coil pack usually does not come out easily, use a flat screwdriver to pry it out slowly.
Installation of New Coil Pack
Look inside spark plug holes and for check oil. If there is oil in spark plug holes, you will need to change valve cover and spark plug gaskets.
Install new ignition coil pack. Line it up on spark plugs holes and push it in. Install coil pack T30 bolts. Plug electrical connector and press orange safety tab. Install coil pack plastic cover.
(If you are also looking for a fast and easy solution to sell your car, more here on “How To Sell Your Car Fast In Ontario”. )
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