How To Change Spark Plugs Toyota Venza
How To Change Spark Plugs: 2015 Toyota Venza, 4 cylinder 2.7 Liter engine. It takes about an hour to remove spark plugs and replace with new ones. New spark plugs used are Platinum NGK plugs, part number OEM 9091901233.
Spark plugs on this Toyota Venza will be replaced as routine maintenance at 90,000km. More on Spark plugs types and spark plug change intervals here: When to Replace Spark Plugs on Your Car.
Tools: Spark plug removal tool or spark plug socket, 10mm socket and ratchet, flat screwdriver. Remove engine cover (not shown on image below), pull it upwards to release it from clips.

Ignition coils will need to be removed to change spark plugs on 2.7L Toyota Venza engine. Coils are located on top engine and are easily accessible (image above).

How To Remove Spark Plugs Toyota Venza
Unplug ignition coil electrical connection, press on center tab to unplug it. Ignition coils on Toyota Venza engine are attached to engine block by a 10mm bolt. Remove bolt and pull ignition coil out of engine spark plug hole. Do the same on all ignition coils.
Use spark plug tool and remove all four spark plugs. Use a flash light and check inside spark plugs holes. Should be dry without any oil. If there is oil in spark plugs holes, you need to replace valve cover gasket and spark plugs gaskets.

How To Install New Spark Plugs Toyota Venza
Important: Do not use force or a ratchet to install spark plugs. New spark plugs should go in easily by hand using extension and socket only (no lever or ratchet). If a spark plug does not go in easily Do Not Force it.
Try it on another hole or another spark plug. After screwing spark plugs by hand as much you can, use ratchet or lever to tighten (half a turn usually with a ratchet.). Do not over tighten spark plugs.
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