Jeep Compass Misfire Trouble Code P0303
Diagnosing Misfire Jeep Compass
Jeep Compass Misfire Code P0303: 2013 Jeep Compass, 2.4 liter 4 cylinder engine. P0303 code indicates cylinder 3 (or C) misfire. Spark plugs on this car are new and misfire was diagnosed as ignition coil failure. Ignition coils are numbered 1 to 4 (or A, B, C, D), from left to right.

Changing an ignition coil on Jeep Compass 2.4L engine is very easy, takes 15-20 minutes at most.
To diagnose ignition coil problems, you can swap coils around. Lets say, if you suspect one coil has failed, swap that coil with another one from another cylinder. If problem or misfire moves next cylinder then you know you have a failed ignition coil.

Change Spark plugs first, because failing spark plugs will decrease ignition coils lifespan. Since you will be changing ignition coils might as well change spark plugs too while there. How to Change Spark Plugs.
Tools: Torx T30 bit, flat screwdriver, dielectric grease. New Jeep Compass ignition coils cost about $40 each.
Removal of Ignition Coil Jeep Compass
Remove engine cover. Engine cover is a push in type, pull it upwards and lift it away from engine. Might take some force but eventually will come out. Ignition coils are numbered 1 to 4 with ignition coil misfire codes P0301, P0302, P0303, P0304. Last number of trouble code indicates cylinder number.

Ignition coils on Jeep Compass have Torx T30 screws. Unplug ignition coil electrical connector, press locking tab of coil plug and pull coil plug to remove it (image above). Use T30 torx bit to remove number 3 coil screw and lift coil out of spark plug opening.

Installation of Ignition Coil Jeep Compass
Check for oil inside spark plug openings. Engine cover gasket and spark plug gaskets should be changed if there is oil inside spark plugs openings.
Use dielectric grease on new ignition coil boot opening and install new ignition coil in engine head. Line up bolt holes on ignition coil and engine cover and press coil in. Install ignition coil screw, do not over-tighten it, finger tight is good enough.
Plug ignition coil electrical connector and start engine, leave it running few minute to check operation. Install engine cover, remove OBD2 codes and take the car for a drive to verify there is no more misfires.
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