Mitsubishi Outlander Misfire Fault Code P0302
Diagnosing Misfire on Mitsubishi Outlander
Mitsubishi Outlander Misfire Fault Code P0302: 2015 Mitsubishi Outlander, 4 cylinder 2.4 liters naturally aspirated engine. Misfire located on cylinder number two, counting from left to right and in this case is caused by a faulty ignition coil. Check engine light is illuminated, vehicle is experiencing bad idle, vibration and loss of power.
Spark plugs were changed as first step prior to diagnosing a faulty ignition coil. Standard procedure when dealing with single or multiple cylinder misfire. Always a good idea to replace spark plugs first when dealing with misfires to rule out spark plug problems.
Cylinders on Mitsubishi Outlander are numbered one to four, from left to right. Trouble codes for cylinder misfire are specific and on Mitsubishi Outlander will be: P0301 misfire cylinder one, P0302 misfire cylinder two, P0303 misfire cylinder three and P0304 misfire on cylinder four. P0300 is a multiple cylinder or general misfire which can happen from a wide variety of reasons, old or failing spark plugs for example can cause multiple misfire. When to Change Spark Plugs in Your Car.
You need few tools to accomplish this job: 10mm socket and ratchet, flat screwdriver and a new ignition coil. Coils are not expensive, about $40 to $50 each depending on what brand you buy and place you buy it.
You can find them online too and are usually cheaper. Since it is very easy to replace coils on this engine and you can do it yourself, there is no reason to replace all four coils at same time if one fails. If another ignition coil goes bad later on then you replace them on need to do basis.
Ignition Coil Removal Mitsubishi Outlander
Remove engine cover, it has two 10mm bolts, remove bolts and take engine cover away. As we said, cylinders are numbered left to right, one to four, image below shows cylinder number two coil.

Start by removing ignition coil electrical connector. Press on center lock tab (image below) while simultaneously pulling on connector. If ignition coil electrical plug are seized, use a flat screwdriver between electrical connector plug and ignition coil body to help remove it, be careful as its plastic and fragile. Ignition coil itself is held in place with a 10mm bolt. Remove bolt and pull ignition coil out of spark plug opening.
Use a light and inspect spark plug opening for oil. If you detect oil inside spark plug holes then you need to change spark plug o-ring gaskets and valve cover gasket. Oil inside spark plug holes will cause all kinds of trouble including single or multiple cylinder misfires.
Ignition Coil Installation On Mitsubishi Outlander
Installation is pretty much reversal of removal, nothing special. Insert new ignition coil on spark plug opening, line up bolt holes and press it in until it sits properly. Use ratchet and socket to install 10mm bolt, careful not to over-tighten and crack ignition coil body.

Plug in ignition coil electrical connector. Start the engine and leave it running for a bit to make sure everything is working normally. If you have an OBD2 scanner remove previous misfire codes. Otherwise remove negative battery terminal post and see if that helps.
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