How to Recharge Air Conditioning Subaru Impreza

How to recharge air conditioning on Subaru Impreza: Air conditioning in your used can stop working for a lot of reasons. One of them is low refrigerant pressure and can be remedied at home as a DIY.

While proper way to fix and repair air conditioning system is to have it checked by a repair facility, recharging it yourself can save some money and fix the problem, even though it might be temporary.

Air Conditioning recharge kit prior to charging Impreza AC system, bottle is already attached to recharge hose.
How to Recharge Air Conditioning Subaru Impreza

Most common cause of air conditioning being low in refrigerant is a leak. How long system will hold pressure or how long is going to work after recharging depends on leak size.

If you have a small leak, you can get way with it recharging it maybe once a year. If you have a large leak then recharging wont really help as refrigerant will leak again soon after.

Vehicle is 2016 Subaru Impreza, but recharging procedure is very similar or identical to other Subaru models with 4 cylinder engine.

Safety First When Recharging Air Conditioning

You will be working on high pressure system and close to a running engine with spinning pulleys and belts, safety should come first.

  • Wear gloves and glasses when recharging Air Conditioning
  • Do not wear lose clothes or bracelets, necklaces.
  • Be careful and stay away from engine pulleys and belts
  • Do not touch engine, it will be hot
  • Do not overcharge air conditioning system
  • Use Low Pressure Port Only, do not try to fit recharging connector on High Pressure Port
  • Avoid contact with refrigerant as it will irritate skin and eyes
  • Refrigerant bottle has a safety label. Read it before recharging air conditioning system in your car

Step 1: Buy a Recharging Kit

Recharging kits are sold almost everywhere, Walmart, Amazon, Canadian Tire and all automotive stores. Kit costs about $40 to $50 depending on brand and number of recharging cans, more cans more money. Make sure to buy a kit which has a pressure gauge on recharging hose.

Step 2: Locate Recharging Ports on Subaru Impreza

Air conditioning system has two recharging ports, High Pressure Port and Low Pressure Port. Ports are clearly marked L and H. You will use Low Pressure Port to recharge air conditioning system. Do not try to fit recharging valve on High Pressure Port.

Subaru Impreza low and high Air Conditioning recharging ports. Only low pressure port should be used to recharge AC system.
Subaru Impreza AC Low and High Pressure Ports

Recharging port on Subaru Impreza are easily accessible. Ports are located on left hand side of engine. Image above shows High and Low pressure ports. Low pressure port is marked with green. Recharging port covers are marked L and H, remove low pressure port (L) protective cap.

(If you are also looking for a fast and easy solution to sell your car, more here on “How To Sell Your Car Fast” in Ontario)

Step 3: Prepare Recharging Kit

Recharging kits usually have 2 recharging cans (or bottles) and a recharging hose with pressure gauge. Start by fully opening valve on recharging hose.

Recharging kit refrigerant bottle and recharging hose valve. Bottle should be attached firmly.
How to Recharge Air Conditioning Subaru Impreza

Next, take a refrigerant bottle and screw it on recharging valve and tighten it. Close valve fully.

Air Conditioning recharge valve. Valve has a pin which punctures and release refrigerant from bottle.
AC Recharging Kit Valve

Valve has a pin and will puncture refrigerant bottle, allowing refrigerant to flow.

Step 4: Attach Recharging Hose on AC Recharging Port

Attach refrigerant hose connector to Low pressure recharging port. Connector has lock type ring, same as air fittings on air powered tools.

Recharging valve attached on Low pressure port on Subaru Impreza air conditioning system.
Impreza Air Conditioning Low pressure Port

Pull ring back and push connector on low pressure port, release ring lock. Pull on it to confirm if fitted securely.

Step 5: Check Air Conditioning System Pressure

Take a look at pressure gauge. If you still have pressure on air conditioning system then you have a small leak. Recharging it should help it.

Recharging hose attache on Subaru impreza recharging air conditioning system.
How to Recharge Air Conditioning Subaru Impreza

If pressure gauge shows zero then chances are you have a large leak and recharging might not help. Anyways, since you already there might as well go ahead and try recharging it, you never know.

Step 5: Recharging Air Conditioning Subaru Impreza

Start the car and turn air conditioning on max setting, fan at full blast too. Open valve to recharge the system. Turn bottle upside down and shake it. You should hear A/C compressor engaging. Compressor should engage when pressure reads about 25psi.

Step 6: Checking Air Conditioning Pressure Subaru

Close valve and see what pressure you have with compressor engaged. Look at pressure only when air conditioning compressor is working, do not look at pressure when compressor is off.

Air conditioning recharge kit Pressure gauge. Pressure should be 40psi when system is fully charged.
Pressure when AC System is Full 40 psi

When system is fully charged pressure should be about 40 psi when compressor is working. As soon as you reach 40 psi, close recharging valve and turn off your car. Do not overcharge system. Again, 40psi when compressor is working, if compressor is not engaged you will get a much higher reading.

Step 7: Disconnect Recharging Hose

Remove recharging hose connector from low pressure port and screw recharging port protective cap. Listen for any hissing noises. Hissing noise indicates refrigerant leak, if you hear a hissing noise then you have large leak on your air conditioning system.

Do not Overcharge Air Conditioning System

Air conditioning system has a pressure sensor. Pressure sensor will stop compressor from engaging if system pressure is too low or too high. If you overcharge it, your air conditioning will not work. When pressure with compressor engaged hits 40 psi, stop charging, more is not better.

If you overcharge system, then pressure need to be released for air conditioning compressor to start working again. Low pressure port valve is the same design as air valves is your tires.

Releasing refrigerant in atmosphere is dangerous and illegal in most jurisdictions around the world.

Do not try to release pressure from low pressure port with engine off, refrigerant is under high pressure and will spray all over the place. Refrigerant is dangerous to your eyes and poisonous if inhaled.

Refrigerant need to be vacuumed by a professional repair facility with proper tools.

(If you are also looking for a fast and easy solution to sell your car, more here on “How To Sell Your Car Fast” in Ontario)

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