How To Repair Volkswagen Engine Start Button

Volkswagen Engine Start Button Repair: Problem: Engine start button is working intermittently or takes several attempts to start the car. 2013 VW Gti.

A VW Start Button mounted on a Volkswagen Gti dashboard.
Volkswagen GTI Engine Start Button

Diagnostic show a faulty engine start button, there is a cheap fix for it and is worth a try before buying a new one. It’s easy and takes about an hour with no special tools, a flat screwdriver will do.

As time passes, engine start button contacts get oxidized by humidity and start working intermittently, until complete failure. Cleaning start button circuit board contacts fixed the problem.

How To Repair Volkswagen Engine Start Button: Remove engine start button module, pry it with a flat screwdriver, should come out easily.

A flat screwdriver removing engine push start button on VW Gti.
How To Repair Volkswagen Engine Start Button

Usually antenna ring will separate itself on removal, if not just use a flat screwdriver to detach it.

VW Engine button removed and hanging from electrical connector.
VW Start Button Removal

Unclip start button electrical connection and remove unit.

GTI button antenna O-ring after start button has been removed.
Golf Start Button Repair

There are 2 metal clips holding engine start button attached to cover, press both clips to release start button.

Usage of a flat screwdriver to disassembly Volkswagen Engine Start button.
VW Gti Start button clips removal

Volkswagen engine start button separated from housing:

GTI Engine Start Button split from button housing.
How To Fix Engine Start Button

How To Dismantle Start Button

Engine start button needs to be dismantled to clean contacts. There are 4 plastic clips (red arrow) on all sides of button housing; open clips carefully and slowly split the start button in two pieces.

Tabs are fragile and some superglue will be handy in case they break. If tabs break, superglue the switch but only after you make sure it works.

Volkswagen Engine Start Button with pins and clips removed.
Start button clips

Lift up rubber contacts from electronic circuits (carefully).

A Volkswagen Engine Start Button completely disassembled for repairs.
VW Start Button Repair

How To Repair Volkswagen Engine Start Button

You can use a fine sandpaper to clean metal contacts on start button board, tip of a small screwdriver can be used too. Be careful when cleaning, contact surfaces are very thin and fragile.

Cleaning of a disassembled GTI Engine Start Button electrical circuits.
Cleaning VW Gti start button contacts

Clean rubber contacts too, use sandpaper rolled up forming a small tip.

Reassemble start button, pieces go only one way so it shouldn’t be that hard to figure it out. Check if start button works before you attach it to cover, take the button and plug it in the car with antenna around it and check if it starts the car.

Installation is reversal of removal.

(If you are also looking for a fast and easy solution to sell your car, more here on “How To Sell Your Car Fast” in Ontario).

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2 Responses

  1. Leah says:

    I cannot seem to Unclip the start button electrical connection, any tips? Is there a tab that needs to be pushed down? It’s such an always angle and I do not want to pull out the wires too far.

    • Avatar photo My-Used-Car says:

      There is a tab on top of connector which need to be pushed while pulling on the plug, shouldn’t be that hard to come off.

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