What is Engine Block Heater
Used Car Engine Block Heater: Block heaters were invented in early 1950s USA to keep warm engine oil or coolant in cold weather. Block heater is a heating element mounted in your car which can be plugged into a normal 110 Volts electrical outlet.
Low temperatures cause engine oil to lose viscosity and require more battery power to start a cold engine. Deep cold temperatures under (-20 Celsius) will cause engine wear on cold start as engine oil thickens and takes longer to reach engine components.

Block heaters are useful only for cold climates where low temperatures are steady for months. Most of Canada and Ontario surely qualify. Low temperatures are hard on your used car battery too. Block heater will help start your car easier on cold starts prolonging lifespan of your car battery. You can check a car battery condition yourself, easy thing to do : How to Test Your Car Battery.
Block heaters are not necessary on places where temperatures in winter do not steadily drop under -10 Celsius. Regular and synthetic engine oil will handle -10 Celsius temperatures just fine, no need for a block heater.
How Cold Temperatures Affect Engine Oil
Engine oil is able to handle temperature up to -10 Celsius without any significant increase in viscosity.
However, when temperatures drop under -20 Celsius oil viscosity will suffer. Viscosity of regular mineral oils will increase and lubricating performance will decrease on cold start up.
Low weight synthetic oils can handle low temperatures better than regular engine oil. However, freezing temperatures (below -20 Celsius) will affect synthetic oil viscosity too. More on Synthetic vs Regular Engine Oil.
Majority of engine block heater are connected on engine cooling system. Others are connected to engine block and warm up engine oil.
Types of Engine Block Heater
Freeze plug heater: A heating element is placed on engine safety freeze block plugs. Engine freeze plugs are safety plugs preventing engine block from cracking if engine coolant freezes. When water freezes it expands. Freeze plugs pop out to soften ice expansion pressure on engine block.
Blanket heater: These are heating blankets placed on top of engines to provide heat during cold weather.
Crankcase heaters: This type uses engine dipstick opening to insert a heating element and heat engine oil.
Oil Pan Heater: Heating pads which are fixed (bolted, adhesive or magnetic) on exterior part of engine oil pan. Oil pan is heated keeping engine oil warm.
Circulating coolant block heaters: These are block heaters inserted on radiator coolant lines. Circulating block heater will heat and circulate warm coolant throughout engine block.
Cost wise, a block heater will set you back around $400 for parts and installation. Depending on block heater type and brand you can find cheaper or expensive ones.
With block heater covered (somewhat), and if you live in Canada or a cold weather country maybe you should take a look on How to Winterize Your Car.
(If you are looking for a fast and easy solution to sell your car, more here on “How To Sell Your Car Fast In Ontario” )
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